IMO: Sleepy Joe looked about as good as he could up there. His brain left his body a couple of times but nothing that couldn’t be papered over, no McConnell freezes etc.

Overall the speech was the same liberal pablum we’ve been receiving for the last 20 years. He cited Reagan positively lol.

Biggest flop imo was he went hard right on the border, at one point calling for the president to have the ability to shut the border down if the number of migrants gets too large. At one point he talked about some girl who was killed by “an illegal.” Very bad look overall.

He also called for a two state solution which I guess has been the official policy or whatever for a while now. They’re going to build a temporary pier to land aid in Gaza. Time will tell how that goes. It will take a few weeks to build, many will starve by then, and there still need to be roads etc for aid to actually reach people.

Other topics covered that I can remember is a bunch of Lucy football shit; banning assault rifles and high capacity magazines, lowering prescription drug prices, protecting roe, raising the minimum wage and increasing taxes on the wealthy and corporations— you know, all the type of shit the dems could have done while in full control of the government but didn’t because manchin or the parliamentarian or whatever the fuck.

At any rate I think what he needed was to go out there and talk for an hour without having his brain leak out of his ears. Mission accomplished.

Whats your take?

  • neroiscariot [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    That's because Ukraine is the feel-good forever war that liberals care about...however, most Americans have completely moved on as it is outside of the 3 month window that you can get people to care about shit. Outside of reddit, I don't think many liberals care anymore, but I guess the dems are trying to reignite that fire?

    Also, it plays into the "Putin bad" and "Trump is a Putin puppet" narrative that just gets screeched into oblivion. I believe that the dems have a plan, for when Biden eats shit in the election, to blame Russia, again, for 4 years so that they can retake the presidency in 2028 (while fundraising nonstop for the entire time).