EDIT: Even though we're dunking on a few of these people, The Toxic Leftist isn't a good account either. They describe themselves as a "rightwing leftist".

  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
    4 months ago

    It's not anything to be respected, you're right. But it's worth noting that "will bend to the prevailing wind" is different than "dyed in the wool fascist who will actively pursue the worst possible path" or even "conservative Democrat who will resist good things that are broadly popular among Democrats."

    • Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]
      4 months ago

      At least with a fascist you know where you stand. A liberal like AOC will do things just as heinous as any fascist and for the same reasons but will pretend they regret it. All non fascist members of the USA government are self interested ghouls with little to no ideological convictions. They are puppets of the fascists and do whatever gets them voted. "Conservative democrats" are just crypto-fascists.