Libs gonna lib

  • Anne_Teefa
    6 months ago

    Reminds me of my local Democrats, when I was trying to be involved politically, listening to them talk about courting Republicans. Then listening to them talk about how awesome their MLK celebration was great that they did something to do with basketball. Yada yada. Just surface level, tone deaf and willing to bend over backwards for their opponents demands.

    • Anne_Teefa
      6 months ago

      They also hemmed and hawwed (I think that's the term right?) over spending money on pride celebrations, meanwhile wanted to write a blank check to do an in person meeting at a Marriott or whatever not truly taking into consideration peoples concerns over COVID.

        • Anne_Teefa
          6 months ago

          Last I checked the people in power were real estate moguls and put their pals in appointed positions. They were trying to oust the progressive faction of the party, because y'know they were doing pesky things like launching an investigation through the grievance committee to stop the sketchy bs. Eventually they placed someone loyal to them on the head of the grievance committee by getting people loyal to them to vote for that candidate and by weaponizing idpol. I'm white so calling them, I believe it's called Aunt Sally, is in very poor taste, but considering she was there to cover her white master (essentially, sorry to say it as such) feels as though it's fitting and very very unfortunate.

          Edit: ew found out that the female version of Uncle Tom is not Sally but Jemima, and I will not be adding that to my lexicon...