• Great_Leader_Is_Dead
    4 months ago

    I hate to be the centrist guy... but...

    Yeah there are people who are too loud but then there's also people who will call the fucking cops if a cricket crips too loudly at the moon, not cuz it's actually bothering them but because they view not being able to 100% control their surroundings as an affront to their existence.

    I've seen boomers flip shit over someone have a 5 person BBQ where they weren't even playing music, but someone laughed a bit too loud at a joke past sundown, THE HUMANITY!

    Also if you live in a city I think you're implicitly consenting to having some noise going on at weird hours of the day. Sorry you can't live downtown and not have to deal with the occasional block party going on past 9pm, get a fucking white noise machine asshole.

    • Egon [they/them]
      4 months ago

      Yeah I lived in a block with a guy who would wait at the entrance to his apartment and tear open the door to yell at people who DARED to talk while walking downstairs. There were also people who complained about noise from a bar and noise from a fire station. Both buildings had been there for years. DONT MOVE IN NEXT TO A BAR IF YOU DONT WANT TO HEAR DRUNK PEOPLE ARGUING SOMETIMES.
      Also lived with a guy who would play hardbass for several hours every day.
      Both types pokemon go to the gulad

      • Adkml [he/him]
        4 months ago

        Gotta love people who move somewhere then complain about the location.

        We've got a small airstrip the next town over. Somebody moved into a house neighboring the airstrip then went to the hanger to try to find somebody to complain to about the fact that a bunch of loud planes were taking off and landing near him.

        And this is a dirt runway with no lighting and no planes bigger than a 2 seater so it's not like it was jumbo jets landing at 10 pm.

      • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
        4 months ago

        Also, there are SO many easy ways to mitigate noise that even a working class person can afford. Some tapestries, curtains, rugs, a fan or two. Even if the walls are thin there's reasonable work around a that should muffle most noise, if people are being loud enough that that's not even working then yeah sure you have grounds to complain.

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          4 months ago

          It really depends on how shitty the building is. I've lived in places where you can hear the neighbors cough, and the quiet old grandma walking around upstairs sounds like a horror movie staircase. The worst was a shared living situation where all the room doors were clangy metal.

          You can't try to mitigate that, but you'll only get so far if the building is shit.

          • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
            4 months ago

            Yeah no I hear that.

            That's the whole thing, there's a lot of debate to be had about what is and isn't reasonable behavior when it comes to being noisy, and it depends a lot of situational factors. There are totally both people who are too damn loud and people who throw a fit over totally banal levels of noise.

    • john_browns_beard [he/him, comrade/them]
      4 months ago

      I have a very hard time understanding people who live in the city or suburbs and enthusiastically engage in anti-social behavior in general. Housing is literally half the price if you drive 30-40 minutes away, why are you here if you can't interact with other humans in a non-aggressive manner?

      For me it's people who cover half their yard with "don't let your dog poop/pee/walk/breathe on my lawn" and "you're on camera" signs. If you didn't want that happening, you probably shouldn't have purchased a home in the suburbs. What are you going to do if my dog does pee on your lawn? Call the cops? I'm sure they will be thrilled to respond to that call. At the same time, fuck people who don't clean up their dog's shit (or bag it and just leave it there). Totally reasonable to get mad about that, but my senior dog is going to piss like 20 times on a walk and you're going to have to deal with three drops on your precious Kentucky bluegrass.

      • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
        4 months ago

        Also these houses tend to be pretty nice so like, I know you can fucking afford to go get some land in the country fucker. Sure your commute will be longer by wtf are you living in the city if you can't handle mild inconveniences?

        I actually would love to go fuck off to some cabin in Vermont but sadly I can't work remote yet, if ever, and regardless I don't have the money yet. You can tho but apparently you chose to live near the noisy brown people you hate for some reason.

      • SoyViking [he/him]
        4 months ago

        People get mad about dogs peeing in their front yard? Why? If anything it's free fertilizer.

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
      4 months ago

      Yeah there are people who are too loud but then there’s also people who will call the fucking cops if a cricket crips too loudly at the moon, not cuz it’s actually bothering them but because they view not being able to 100% control their surroundings as an affront to their existence.

      The second ones are like 50 times rarer than the first. I lived in several places from country house to dense big city and i only ever met 2 of the second cathegory and one of them was absolutely justified by her neighbours being aggressive drunken lumpen that had cops called on them 3 times per week for other reasons too. And i won't even count the cases of dickheads with small brains but large loudspeakers. And the fucking loud dogs everywhere (surprisingly in the country they were the least problem, but in city there is tons of those small york shits that are very loud all the fucking day).