I know the leftist in me is supposed to have sympathy for these people and get them to unionize. But only after I stop laughing and enjoying this moment. For years these fucks told the rest of us to “learn to code” and pretended like studying anything else at uni was a fucking waste of time.

GUESS WHAT FUCKERS. SO WAS CODING. Looks like we’ll be baristas together, only I’ll have three years of experience!!!

  • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    How about "Learn to plumb"? All that code is going to be useless when your sanitation and water delivery systems collapse due to a lack of tradesmen.

    • Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Currently teaching my twelve year old son and eleven year old daughter how to plumb. They dont have to do it forever, but theyll have a skill they can fall back on and make a semi-living wage until they find a direction of their own. My son is having a hard time understanding that we cant all be coders, or whatever. My daughter tells me its what she wants to do because its what her daddy does.