[CW: is this body shaming? I'm not sure.]

I genuinely find "conventionally attractive" people (like celebrities), well, kind of ugly IMO.

This is particularly evident when you look at game mods where people can create what they consider to be the most attractive characters their imagination allows. I find most of them grotesque even. Exaggerated forms.

Che Guevara though, Che Guevara was hot. So maybe I like some conventionally attractive looks. But you know what I mean. I don't like muscle men or hyper feminine women. I prefer androgyny almost.

Anyway, just a weird shower thought.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    6 months ago

    I'm a simple guy with simple tastes. Conventional beauty works on me, although it's not the only kind of beauty that works. One thing that I've noticed though is that knowing about someones personality greatly affects whether I consider them beautiful. A fascist can tick all the conventional beauty boxes and I will still find them physically non-attractive.

    There seems to be a lot more to physical attraction than just looks.