I remember there were some communist sympathies... this one is just sad. Maybe there's botting going on, because of the vote percentage, but still.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    2 months ago

    "You fool, you imbecile! You would believe decades of consistent political mesasaging instead of my random lmayo bigotry?!!?!?!?!"

    The other side of when "religious fanatics" abide by the rules of their religion and cracker lose their shit.

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]
      2 months ago

      So stupid because, if the PFLP really was an Islamist group instead of the Marxists they claim to be, why would Israel fund Hamas? These libs always point out that Israel funded Hamas as a gotcha, as if that meant all of Hamas' actions play into the Zionists' plans/interests. But if both assumptions were true, why fund anyone at all? If they're equally bad?!