I'll start

This is embarrassing but I cried when SHillary lost to Trump.

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Bought into the logic that it was bad for Trump to meet with kim-drip because it would be "legitimizing" the DPRK.

    Then I actually learned the tiniest bit of Korean history and went "no wait they're mostly right, death to America".

    • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
      6 months ago

      When I was a lib I still "supported" (arguing with my friends about why we shouldn't be killing them) America's enemies and every AES country except DPRK because they were so obviously corrupt and evil that I couldn't ever defend it to my friends. After reading about the beginning of the Korean War I was like "wait so where's the part that justifies U.S. intervention" and kept reading and it wasn't until I reached the part where Douglas MacArthur built a fascist stronghold with the Japanese and started eradicating leftists where I realized "oh this is just like every single other indefensible U.S. intervention I opposed with hindsight". There's a reason your average U.S. history class skims its wars other than like the revolution and WWII lmao