• aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    "We favor a diplomatic solution, we know there is no military solution."

    • US envoy to Yemen

    Guess that the Yemeni made, and iranian designed anti ship ballistic missiles are tough to stop then. It's the first time in history ballistic missiles have been used against ships in an armed conflict. There is no military solution, because every day this continues, is one day that a US Navy ship could be sunk. The Houthis only need one successful hit to accomplish that. The US Navy is in a lose lose situation thanks to the Houthis military actions against them, and have now been forced to negotiate.

      • Barabas [he/him]
        3 months ago

        If they revoke the terrorist label they are no longer negotiating with terrorists phoenix-think

    • Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]
      3 months ago

      There is no military solution

      This is false. There is a military solution. The Yemini military can keep shooting boats till everyone gives up and USA fucks off.