My fellow Americans – this is Speaker Mike Johnson.

You've never seen fire and brimstone until you've gone head-to-head with Trump-hating socialists.

So you can imagine the immediate wrath I faced when I went on record supporting Donald J. Trump for President. I was just talking to my friend, Steve Scalise – he faced the same thing when he endorsed Trump too.

He and I agree: as strong Pro-Trump Conservatives, we’ve got to stick together.

That’s because the anti-Trump Media… Young radicals on college campuses… the holier-than-thou elites in Hollywood… Democrat Super PACs… Joe Biden’s army of megadonors… They are fully committed to destroying our movement and replacing EVERY LAST ONE OF US with a Liberal Democrat.

But wait, that’s not even the half of it. It gets worse:

  • Problem #1: We have TWO imminent Special Elections and Democrats committed more than five million dollars to install more Liberals.

  • Problem #2: House Democrats have forty million bucks stashed away to attack pro-Trump Conservatives like us.

  • Problem #3: Joe Biden just bragged about raising a million bucks in a SINGLE DAY attacking President Trump.

I cannot stress the urgency of the situation enough. Early voting is about to start in the first Special Election AND the Left's fundraising advantage grows by the minute…

So as one of my first moves of the election year, I’m teaming up with my fellow Louisianian, Steve Scalise, to set a goal of raising one million dollars between now and the end of the month.

I know, I know – that’s a big goal. I get that. But that’s as low as I could possibly make it to fully fund our campaign operations in every must-win swing state.

If we fail to hit it, the consequences would be unthinkable. We’d have no choice but to: 1) SCRAP our get-out-the-vote operations, 2) SLASH the budget for our ad campaigns, and 3) Throw our digital outreach plans IN THE TRASH CAN.

Nothing – and I mean NOTHING – would be worse for our plans to defend our razor-thin House Majority. That’s why I’m calling for reinforcements.

I know the economy is in bad shape under Joe Biden. So if that’s preventing you from pitching in $100 or $50 – I completely understand. But if you can afford JUST $10 or even $5, I would be grateful beyond measure.

I only ask everyone reading this to pitch for a few bucks or whatever you can afford.

When the stakes are this high, that’s what will be the difference between saving our Republican Majority and losing to the Trump-hating Democrats. So can I count on you to pitch in SOMETHING?

YES >> NO >>

Thanks for everything you do.

In liberty,
Mike Johnson (Speaker of the House)

  • Infamousblt [any]
    6 months ago

    Just tell them you're a communist and that you'll never vote for them because they have blood on their hands and they take you off the list.

      6 months ago

      Sending "GIVE ME BACK MY DILDO" in all caps does the same thing. I've never seen an unsubscribe notification arrive that fast.