Tamerlane (April 8, 1336–February 18, 1405) was the ferocious and terrifying founder of the Timurid empire of Central Asia, eventually ruling much of Europe and Asia. Throughout history, few names have inspired such terror as his. Tamerlane was not the conqueror's actual name, though. More properly, he is known as Timur, from the Turkic word for "iron."

Early Life

Timur was a member of the Turkicized Barlas tribe, a Mongol subgroup that had settled in Transoxania (now roughly corresponding to Uzbekistan) after taking part in Genghis Khan’s son Chagatai’s campaigns in that region. Timur thus grew up in what was known as the Chagatai khanate. After the death in 1357 of Transoxania’s current ruler, Amir Kazgan, Timur declared his fealty to the khan of nearby Kashgar, Tughluq Temür, who had overrun Transoxania’s chief city, Samarkand, in 1361.

Tughluq Temür appointed his son Ilyas Khoja as governor of Transoxania, with Timur as his minister. But shortly afterward Timur fled and rejoined his brother-in-law Amir Husayn, the grandson of Amir Kazgan. They defeated Ilyas Khoja (1364) and set out to conquer Transoxania, achieving firm possession of the region around 1366. About 1370 Timur turned against Husayn, besieged him in Balkh, and, after Husayn’s assassination, proclaimed himself at Samarkand sovereign of the Chagatai line of khans and restorer of the Mongol empire.

For the next 10 years Timur fought against the khans of Jatah (eastern Turkistan) and Khwārezm, finally occupying Kashgar in 1380. He gave armed support to Tokhtamysh, who was the Mongol khan of Crimea and a refugee at his court, against the Russians (who had risen against the khan of the Golden Horde, Mamai); and his troops occupied Moscow and defeated the Lithuanians near Poltava.

In 1383 Timur began his conquests in Persia with the capture of Herāt. The Persian political and economic situation was extremely precarious. The signs of recovery visible under the later Mongol rulers known as the Il-Khanid dynasty had been followed by a setback after the death of the last Il-Khanid, Abu Said (1335). The vacuum of power was filled by rival dynasties, torn by internal dissensions and unable to put up joint or effective resistance. Khorāsān and all eastern Persia fell to him in 1383–85; Fars, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Mesopotamia, and Georgia all fell between 1386 and 1394. In the intervals, he was engaged with Tokhtamysh, then khan of the Golden Horde, whose forces invaded Azerbaijan in 1385 and Transoxania in 1388, defeating Timur’s generals.

In 1391 Timur pursued Tokhtamysh into the Russian steppes and defeated and dethroned him; but Tokhtamysh raised a new army and invaded the Caucasus in 1395. After his final defeat on the Kur River, Tokhtamysh gave up the struggle; Timur occupied Moscow for a year. The revolts that broke out all over Persia while Timur was away on these campaigns were repressed with ruthless vigour; whole cities were destroyed, their populations massacred, and towers built of their skulls.

In 1398 Timur invaded India on the pretext that the Muslim sultans of Delhi were showing excessive tolerance to their Hindu subjects. He crossed the Indus River on September 24 and, leaving a trail of carnage, marched on Delhi. The army of the Delhi sultan Mahmud Tughluq was destroyed at Panipat on December 17, and Delhi was reduced to a mass of ruins, from which it took more than a century to emerge. By April 1399 Timur was back in his own capital. An immense quantity of spoil was conveyed away; according to Ruy González de Clavijo, 90 captured elephants were employed to carry stones from quarries to erect a mosque at Samarkand.

Timur set out before the end of 1399 on his last great expedition, in order to punish the Mamlūk sultan of Egypt and the Ottoman sultan Bayezid I for their seizures of certain of his territories. After restoring his control over Azerbaijan, he marched on Syria; Aleppo was stormed and sacked, the Mamlūk army defeated, and Damascus occupied (1401), the deportation of its artisans to Samarkand being a fatal blow to its prosperity. In 1401 Baghdad was also taken by storm, 20,000 of its citizens were massacred, and all its monuments were destroyed.

After wintering in Georgia, Timur invaded Anatolia, destroyed Bayezid’s army near Ankara (July 20, 1402), and captured Smyrna from the Knights of Rhodes. Having received offers of submission from the sultan of Egypt and from John VII (then coemperor of the Byzantine Empire with Manuel II Palaeologus), Timur returned to Samarkand (1404) and prepared for an expedition to China. He set out at the end of December, fell ill at Otrar on the Syr Darya west of Chimkent, and died in February 1405. His body was embalmed, laid in an ebony coffin, and sent to Samarkand, where it was buried in the sumptuous tomb called Gūr-e Amīr. Before his death he had divided his territories among his two surviving sons and his grandsons, and, after years of internecine struggles, the lands were reunited by his youngest son, Shāh Rokh.

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  • ashinadash [she/her]
    5 months ago
    Y'all tired of these Unjust Depths postings yet? 9.3 discussion.

    Not much to say about 9.3, kind of a slight chapter. I adore how Khajida feels equally:

    • Deeply disappointed/anticlimaxed that her rival, the Red Baron, is just a pathetic, sad, lacking, exhausted dumb bitch who sucks, and won't give her the satisfying victory of killing her

    • Gutted to see that Sieglinde is very much like her: middle aged and feeling the passage of time, slowing down, borderline sympathetic, and totally understandable

    • Hateful that Sieglinde is sad and self-pitying and feeling remorse after causing so much suffering and fighting for horrendous causes, killing her comrades

    It's such a complicated tangle of emotions, it's kind of a huge mess after that lifelong rivarly. Hearing Khajida silently goad Sieglinde to do something about what a heartless, evil person she's been, it's great. But also though HOW DARE U KHAJIDA 42 YEARS IS NOT "OLD" >:|

    The interrogations with Marina and Arbitrator are all absolutely hilarious though. When Ulyana asks why Marina wasn't honest about Elena being royalty, she yaps:

    "You're fucking communists! one of your things is 'eat the rich' isn't it?"

    how-compelling You see Marina, The Romanovs Deserved it, we have a brick wall and some rifles down in the brig,

    I was less pleased when Ulyana asked about uh, Elena's parentage. ULYANA!!! DO NOT FUCKING REFER TO HER AS A "FATHER" lea-tired I am so pleased that Aaliyah glares at her for this, good stuff. Beloved commissar.

    Afterword we get Zachikova and Arbitrator I at the desk, and when Arbitrator describes the bomb collar Zachikova put on her as "a form of play", and declares her intent to breed with Zachikova, I lost it. Zachikova is furious and deeply flustered throughout the whole thing, so Arbitrator will call her "master" and Zachikova will threaten to blow her fucking head off, and then Aaliyah goes "This is an interrogation not some raunchy kink thread on a BBS!" I love her, ngl.

    I am glad that Ulyana is asking the same what-are-her-motives questions I am about Arbitrator tho, and fwiw it does seem like Abritrator is just kinda vibing, like she probably actually just wants to kiss Zachikova a bunch?

    • vertexarray [any]
      5 months ago

      That's gotta be one of my favourite chapters in the whole damn thing

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        5 months ago

        Wait really? I mean it's a good chapter, 99.5% of them are, but favourite?

        • vertexarray [any]
          5 months ago

          I have a special affinity for Khajida (and her relation to Sieglinde), people who are laden down with contempt and regret and are exhausted on an existential level are my thing. Also a pairing like Zachikova and Arbitrator I where one party is perplexed and wary and the other is relentlessly aggressive is my other strike zone, and the bomb collar bit is the funniest thing I've ever read in my life.

          • ashinadash [she/her]
            5 months ago

            Ah yes I see, superb choices!! It is pretty good on those fronts, no notes. More Khajida pls, I greatly enjoy following her perspective, I expected the cast to mostly be 20somethings and I'm pleased to be wrong, giving her Sienglinde just makes it better.