How can I get even further out of touch with people under 45? I know award Nancy Pelosi, the person calling college protestors russian bots the medal of freedom, brilliant! brandon

  • combat_brandonism [they/them]
    2 months ago

    "Today we have another extraordinary honor to bestow the nation's highest civilian artist of mine to 19 incredible people whose relentless curiosity, inventiveness, ingenuity and hope have kept faith in a better tomorrow," the president said.

    the nation's highest civilian artist of mine to 19 incredible people

    I love how you can't tell if it's just an article half-written by an LLM that fucked up or Biden dementia. biden-alert

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      2 months ago

      "As you know I have a stutter. Bear with me. I cannot... el-el-el-el-el-el-el-el-mmmmmmmmmm... I cannot fulfill that request... Could some-body get up here and re-restart me? God damn it! Pardon my French but I cannot fulfill that request..."