• davel [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Tripwire if true.

    Al Mayadeen, two weeks ago: France's Ukraine adventure could snowball into nuclear war, VIPS warns

    Devoid of certain clarity, France could be "leading the American people down a path toward a nuclear conflict" with Russia, according to an alert memorandum from the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) to the US President, published by the Ron Paul Institute.

    The memorandum, titled "On the Brink of Nuclear War" the VIPS warned the White House that French President Emmanuel Macron's dispatch of approximately 2,000 troops to Ukraine "in the not-so-distant future," could snowball to become a NATO war, and ultimately, a US war. According to the memorandum, the French troops will largely hold symbolic significance and would be ineffective in a modern, large-scale conflict like the ongoing war in Ukraine.

    Its deployment, according to the VIPS, would not be in active conflict zones but will rather function as "a screening force/tripwire to stop Russia’s advance" or " a replacement force deployed to a non-active zone to free up Ukrainian soldiers for combat duty."

    Additionally, the memorandum duly noted that the French Brigade will be augmented by smaller units from the Baltic states.

    The French and the Baltic troops, thus, would be considered NATO troops deployed in a Ukrainian warzone, making them "lawful targets" based on the Law of War, said the VIPS. However, the troops would technically lack a "NATO mandate", a difference that VIPS argued would be a "distinction without a difference" from a Russian perspective.

    • Tunnelvision [they/them]
      6 months ago

      Thank you for the tripwire link that is what I have been trying to describe without knowing the term. As soon as I heard France was thinking of sending troops to Ukraine that is what I thought they would be doing. I thought they would have been deployed to Odessa though not so close to the front.