• replaceable [he/him]
    2 months ago

    How could france possibly get access to uranium out of this?

    • Tunnelvision [they/them]
      2 months ago

      It depends on what Russias response to this is. If they go full hog and try to push through and take Odessa then maybe they won’t as Russia will most likely demand unconditional surrender. If Russia slows down their offensive (which we really should start calling this Russias summer offensive imho) then who knows what the situation in the fall will look like. Maybe they decide to let Ukraine keep Odessa? Maybe since France was a participant they negotiate for access to Russian uranium reserves. How long is Russia REALLY willing to fight? How hard? If Russia hurries to take Odessa that inherently means more Russian casualties and Russian society will really have to ask itself how willing they are to take 100% victory as opposed to 90% victory when the 100% victory could trigger large scale total war. I don’t believe sending in the French foreign legion is as small of a thing as everyone is making it out to be this seems like a pretty big escalation. But we’ll just have to see what happens.