• Grownbravy [they/them]
    2 months ago

    I know the inevitable chud will come out after this, but i really wanna wanna see who in japan is going to come out and demonstrate for the preservation of pantyshots of middle schoolers.

    • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
      2 months ago

      Obviously the underwear company that was just about to strike a major brand deal for product placement of their new line of period panties in the unfortunately canceled Tsukinomonogatari (※no relation to Monogatari series). The company's logo was gonna be front and center with every single flash and everything, the contract stated no fewer than three flashes per episode. You know that Snickers bit in Nichijou? Yeah, it was gonna be just like that except for the whole anime, and instead of a chocolate bar it was gonna be characters talking about the MC's panties' top-of-the-line absorption due to its special synthetic fabric, or its patented anti-microbial technology, such that the viewers at home would know that they too can worry-not-Angkor-Wat whenever Aunt Flo arrives, because Being a Magical Girl Saving the World from the Forces of Evil is Hard Enough™

      Yeah, of course the wokies had to ruin this marketing opportunity of a lifetime, smdh...

    • Cromalin [she/her]
      2 months ago

      ken akamatsu (better known for other work) won a seat in the diet on that exact platform

      • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
        2 months ago

        The "other work" is Love Hina for anyone wondering, which is a name I've heard but didn't know anything about. Looks like it's some sort of ecchi harem thing.

        Anyways, looking through this guy's Wikipedia page is like:

        Akamatsu: "We should resist the expansion of copyright law!"

        Me: "BASED!"

        Akamatsu: "I have made out-of-print manga freely available online without DRM!"

        Me: "POGGERS!"

        Akamatsu: "We should strive to preserve old video games in a playable state!"

        Me: "Sounds great!"

        Akamatsu: "We need to protect freedom of expression from foreign pressures, too!"

        Me: "Oh dear..."

        Akamatsu: "I am referring specifically to..."


        Akamatsu: "That we should NOT revise the CSAM law to include sexualized drawings of children!"

        Me: "God dammit, Akamatsu!"

        Akamatsu: "Also I'm gonna put My Wife is an Elementary School Student on my out-of-print manga website"

        • Cromalin [she/her]
          2 months ago

          yeah pretty much. thought i will say that love hina is THE ecchi harem thing. it permanently shifted the genre into being forever dogshit. previous ecchi harem things (like ranma or tenchi muyo) would focus on things like jokes or having characters that you might enjoy watching in screen. love hina was what flipped the switch into harems being the exact same dreck every time, in pretty close to the form it shows up in today whether in isekai slop or pure harem

          though there have been some shifts, i feel like most harem stuff nowadays avoids even the pretense of any of the girls not being madly in love with the bland self insert protagonist