• invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    2 months ago

    I think it was a Chapo bit back in 2020 and it stuck. It's been used a lot since then and I can't remember the original source exactly, but it's just a phrase you use when someone says something political while also being horny.

    The phrase is used to mock Reddit/Twitter style politics fans who obsess over politicians for aesthetic reasons that usually come down to sexualizing them or obsessing over sexual aspects of their politics (See: Ben Garrison's Sexy Trump cartoons for a good example)

    The idea is a bit of a dirt bag left joke when used in a mocking/sarcastic context, but it is somewhat based on feminist theory, that because we live in a patriarchy, the taboo of sex means it has to be constantly thought about to maintain the system. Like how capitalism requires constant work from workers or it collapses.