• Frank [he/him, he/him]
    en månad sedan

    Finger safety devices are fucking awesome. The one I was working with a few years ago, if the blade encounters something conductive like your finger, an electro-magnet throws a block of aluminum in to the saw blade and stops it. Near instantly. Finger saved. It costs, idk, 100$ to reset, but that's a damn sight less than losing a finger. Like you might be nicked but you're probably not even going to need a bandaid. Just so damn cool, and one of the biggest dangers in a wood shop becomes vastly, vastly safer to work with.

    • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
      en månad sedan

      I don't know; I've always felt this kind of tech, while it has its upsides, tends to come with some severe downsides.

      How are you ever going to justify the use of a table saw in a horror movie ever again?

      • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
        en månad sedan

        Kids these days just don't get that Emo Philips scene in UHF (1989) because of SawStop™️ working in cahoots with BIG WOKE!

      • SSJ2Marx
        en månad sedan

        If this isn't already a bit in a Scream-like horror comedy it should be. Or maybe the killer comes at someone with a chainsaw, but they're wearing one of those pairs of anti-chainsaw pants.

        • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
          en månad sedan

          I feel like Wish Upon has a scene where Audrey from Twin Peaks has a bunch of fake-out accidental deaths in a kitchen until she finally gets got.

      • Adkml [he/him]
        en månad sedan

        Just have a character mention in the first act they can't do a project because they're having issues with the table saw.

        It's how the strangers justified killing somebody by putting their head in an open microwave and turning it on, which would require multiple safety devices to fail.

      • What_Religion_R_They [none/use name]
        en månad sedan

        How are you ever going to justify the use of a table saw in a horror movie ever again?

        the saw is owned by a guy who really hates the government patent trolls

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        en månad sedan

        The victim seems totally calm until.they notice it's a tablesaw from prior to the regulatory date. Cause you fucking know you won't have to update your saws as an employer let alone a private owner. Which will probably also be a thing that if it becomes necessary then it will only apply to new saws and anyone thst already had an industrial saw, which is generally built to last or be serviced like a ship.of theseus where as far as regulations are concerned it's the same saw they bought in the 70s, you won't see it unless some saws get sabbed

        en månad sedan

        You get the funny scene of killer dragging someone into the blade, the blade stopping, there's a comedic beat, then they hit them with an axe or something.