My kiddo picked this movie out to watch this weekend (she's really into superheroes), and it's been driving me nuts that there's some pretty big robot anime easter eggs that I wasn't seeing mentioned anywhere. First screenshot has a Getter 1 up there on the top left shelf.
Big ol Mazinger clock in the protagonist's room.
This one looks better in motion (it's extremely brief), but this kid on the Golden Gate bridge looks like he's playing with a Tetsujin 28 toy.
Sure, I could add a note to IMDB or whatever, but I'd rather post here instead
I finally finished the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi comics, so I'm picking the manga I was working on back up lol. Staring Go soonish.
(i made a :sicko-getter: where the only difference is that he has the getter eyes)
go is good, it has a pretty bad stretch in the middle but everything on either side of it is peak. and then shin and arc are both just fantastic from beginning to end
Pretty much identical to what's in the text lol.
sho is so cool, i love her