
  • PointAndClique [they/them]
    30 days ago

    Due to self-selection bias (this survey was conducted in their trans community, after all) you cannot make any meaningful inferences about the proportion of trans people on Hexbear as a whole. It may well be representative of the subscribers to their trans community though.

    Except that this was stickied on the main page for a good few days and has in maximum size font words to the effect CIS FILL OUT THIS SURVEY TOO and kristina acknowledged that the informality of the survey was also in part due to the difficulties in conducting a thorough survey in a secure manner

    keep talking out your arse, ruffled

    • GoebbelsDeezNuts [any]
      30 days ago

      people actively try to work on creating a space that isn't reactionary as shit

      trans people feel comfortable using it


      How stupid can you be its the most A to B logic thing that can exist. Also everyone here is funny.