• KoboldKomrade [he/him]
    19 days ago

    I'm convinced Quora is either an LLM test ground or a CIA op to try to make people dumber/people sound dumb. It literally came from no where and was shoved on us all yet I have never heard a real human say they use it.

    Vs Yahoo Answers, people were shitposting on there constantly, posts felt and looked real, were dumb but in the "I'm actually don't know this" and not in the "I'm being wrong to upvote my opinion" way, and was "organically" picked by way of Yahoo being some people's default site already.

    • medium_adult_son [he/him]
      19 days ago

      Quora is Yahoo Answers, except the majority of posters there have contracted terminal LinkedIn brain and the site has the SEO of Pinterest.

      I don't think your theory about it being a CIA op is too far off - Jorban Peterman first got famous on Quora, and the power users' politics range from libertarian hustle grindet to fascist.

      But, the site would be no different whether it was ran by libertarian tech bros or the US state department.