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    • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
      15 days ago

      People really do think military tech is magic.

      Yeah sure having nicer equipment gives you and edge but you do still need actual troops to use the damn things!

      • JayTreeman [none/use name]
        15 days ago

        People are shitting on Russia for having simpler tech. That simpler tech is better for a conscript army. Once the pros are gone what's that amazing tech worth? Also, look at the 'turtle' tank that people were laughing at a few months ago, and now the Americans have a version too

        • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
          15 days ago

          Yeah, it seems like as long as you have decent enough weaponry to counter your enemies air-superiority then really fancy tech doesn't get you very far. Guys with iron site AKs can own guys with kitted out M4s with night vision scopes and a butt attachment that makes the soldiers personalized protein smoothies.

          • Frank [he/him, he/him]
            14 days ago

            I think in this specific case it's old artillery with unlimited shells beats fancy vundervvaffen artillery with very limited and expensive shells.

            • WayeeCool [comrade/them]
              14 days ago

              And even old artillery is incredibly accurate if the team operating the gun has both modern targeting computer software and access to localized real-time meteorological data. When you throw in the use of aerial drone spotters, that old artillery performs almost as well as the highly integrated artillery systems NATO nations field.

              It's funny because the actual gun isn't where any of a magic of modern artillery is but instead the targeting computer and data links. US defense contractors just upcharge to integrate all that tech into a single piece of equipment and disregard all the drawbacks involved.