edit: deleting because linked image has also been deleted

    • Tachanka [comrade/them]
      12 天前

      It's good to look at your poop every now and then so you can make sure there's no blood in it, etc. Various things wrong with your stool is a potential sign of ulcers, polyps, cancer, etc.

      • Hello_Kitty_enjoyer [none/use name]
        12 天前

        It's good to look at your poop every now and then so you can make sure there's no blood in it, etc

        this is especially true for westoids

      • Egon [they/them]
        12 天前

        Sadly i exclusively eat beets, so I will never know if I'm bleeding out the ass

    • Egon [they/them]
      12 天前



      emphasis not mine, but google for some reason