I have mixed feelings about going :(

The heat and large crowds and all the light and sound is gonna be so exhausting, I just hope I can find a relatively quiet place to be if it's too much

Idk if I wanna go at all but I'm visiting family and they take me not coming to these places as an offense to them for some reason (they make me feel bad about this)

If I catch COVID that would really fucking suck. I will wear a mask but no one else does anymore yea

  • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
    3 months ago

    I love theme parks partially because rides but also I just love looking at a carefully designed environment. The theming details but also the logistics. How do staff get around? How do they design queues, do they try to make it hard to see how much line is left?

    Disney is particularly fun for this because they try to hide stuff out of sight so there are hidden doors or doors that look fake but actually go behind the scenes. Since covid Disney’s prices have fucking skyrocketed though it’s absurd.

    • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
      3 months ago

      I hate Disney as a company, but goddamn the engineering that goes into Disney theme parks is absolutely insane. A good theme park makes engineering magic.