It's a tale as old as time of Anarchists absolutely shitting all over communists but god damn I hateeeee it. No self awareness

Link to Instagram post

Edit: to be clear I don't have a problem with Anarchists, just seems like very often MLs are met with so much vitriol with people they could collaborate with. Just sucks. Stupid interner

  • Tunnelvision [they/them]
    8 days ago

    Easy, the one that has the most W’s under its belt and is best adapted to the situation.

    • booty [he/him]
      8 days ago

      and is best adapted to the situation.

      and here we run into the same problem again

      • Tunnelvision [they/them]
        8 days ago

        the one that has the most W’s under its belt

        No we haven’t. Filtered.

        • HexbearGPT [comrade/them]
          8 days ago

          what counts as a win will be scored differently by each geoup with a different plan.

          • Egon [they/them]
            8 days ago

            Seizing power and building a new society under your type of government is a win. Everything else is a means to that end

        • booty [he/him]
          8 days ago

          Congratulations, you quoted... a different part of your comment from the one I quoted? This is the kind of behavior I'd expect to see on Reddit.

          The one "best adapted to the situation" is subjective.