• SnowySkyes [she/her]
    5 days ago

    I 100% just want to stealth all the time. It gives me significant mental pain when I get misgendered or encounter someone that refuses to gender me. I just want to fit in and not be noticed.

    That being said, no matter what, I'm sure that other trans folk will always be able to clock me and that doesn't really bother me at all. I just don't want the cissies to figure it out.

    All of this is why I've moved at the speed of light to achieve my goals. I just want to be another face in the crowd. I'm in my 30s and want to live the rest of my life in peace. While maybe a day may come that gender nonconforming folks will eventually be the norm, it is not today and I just don't want bothered, especially by people that are dangerous to my personal safety. Maybe my thoughts will change someday, but who knows.

    This will probably be one of the very few times I actually say this out loud. I don't know why, but this point of view seems very unwelcome in some groups. Perhaps I am wrong. Couldn't tell you.

    • Chronicon [they/them]
      4 days ago

      some people feel like being loud and proud and making the cisses uncomfortable is inherently praxis/revolutionary in some sense. I don't think it really is, but I had leaned that direction in the past (from a position of complete comfort/hypocrisy...)

      Nowadays I think what's much more important than physically standing out at all times is maintaining community, political consciousness, solidarity with other oppressed groups, etc. It turns out that rainbows and drag shows and all that stuff can be coopted by capital, but true, unflinching solidarity with all oppressed people, that cannot.

      Something like that anyhow, I sound more confident than I am

      I still often feel like safety, both real and perceived, can be invoked to justify a lot of bad shit (calling the cops, increasing surveillance, breaking solidarity, etc), but presentation is a personal choice that doesn't involve making society worse for others.

    • regularassbitch [she/her]M
      5 days ago

      i don't view it as a matter of right or wrong. the reason i asked is because it's a question with a million different answers depending on who you're talking to. i completely understand wanting to opt out of the bad stuff, especially with how things are going. i don't view my being regularly clocked as some kind of duty i have, it's just something that happens and i have to deal with it somehow. if i could get rid of that, i'd most likely do so