• BountifulEggnog [they/them]
    2 days ago
    talking about bigots

    So right now I'm on a bit of a kick watching right wing youtubers get dunked on, and one of the things this particular chud keeps bringing up is how happy traditional gender roles have made him, and how he wants the same for his kids. BUT HAVE YOU CONSIDERED THEY MIGHT BE HAPPIER GETTING TO PICK IF THEY WANT YOUR GENDER ROLES OR NOT?! Its all well and good that you're happy being the strong provider for your loving and dependent wife, and I'm genuinely happy for you (as long as she's happy being married to a chud), but why do you not consider that I would be happier in a different relationship? What if being "biologically able to have kids" is not important to other people?

    Any way just kind of a thought I had about these sorts of people. Its their roles that make them happy, or nothing. I like dogs, so you liking cats pisses me off.

    • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
      2 days ago
      Misquoting The Gender Accelerationist Manifesto

      They are upholding the cisheteropatriarchy, being happy in their goofy "trad" gender roles. Literally any possible alternative threatens the status quo and social control that the goofy "trad" gender roles allow, and so must be eradicated. Very regular part of fash life.