• Luna [she/her]
    2 days ago
    CW: Transphobia (but I'm laughing at transphobic quora chuds)

    So I was looking into neopronouns, since I don't really know much about them (and I was considering possibly using a set of them), and I ended up on a Quora thread. One person explained (somewhat) what they were, but another thread was recommended. According to many on this thread, only he/Him and she/her are acceptable for an individual, anything else is grammatically incorrect. Luckily I'm simply ✨better✨, so my first thought was "but what if somebody loses their phone" (the one person I've spoken to on this went speechless and then did self-crit). I know it's grammatically correct it's just funny to watch wannabe English professors go on Quora and say with such confidence that something is grammatically incorrect when it's not and never has been.


    Can anybody tell me anything about neopronouns, if there are proper ways to use them, what specifically constitutes a neopronoun, etc.

    • magi [she/her, they/them]
      2 days ago

      Neopronouns are increasingly used in place of “she,” “he,” or “they” when referring to a person. For example xe/xem/xyr, ze/hir/hirs, and ey/em/eir. You'd generally use these like any other pronoun, singular or plural may vary given the grammar

      • Luna [she/her]
        2 days ago

        Are they just generally gender-neutral or do they portray something else about someone (personality, sexuality, etc?)

        • magi [she/her, they/them]
          2 days ago

          Not always gender neutral, some can indicate xenogenders for example or they can equally be used by non binary people or agender people. I don't think they're actually locked. Personally I'd just say respect what the person would want to be referred as but I'm pretty laxed as far as pronouns for myself go. I'm from the void myself lol vivian-shrug

          • Luna [she/her]
            2 days ago

            Thanks for helping me figure that out! I also had no idea xenogenders existed until just now (was able to find with a quick search). You learn something new every day very-smart