• BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
            3 days ago

            Doubling down on homophobia and actual antisemitism. Classic LIB

            Isreal is an appendage of US hegemony and its foreign policy. The US is in charge not the other way around. The claim that Isreal calls the shots (or gets her dick sucked) to the US is an antisemitic trope that goes back to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Don't do it.

            Libs love saying blank sucks blanks cock. It is meant in a perjorotive way. It means it is degrading and bad to be the one sucking cock. Because liberals live within an ideology that is both patriarchal and heteronormative we know what you mean when you say that. We don't tolerate it, no matter how cute your bullshit rationalization is when you try to double down on it.

            If you don't mean to be homophobic or antisemitic GOOD! Just accept that those statements are, and don't make them again and you'll be better for it. Living in ideology creates blind spots whatever your intentions, this is a chance to learn. Or you could be a real LIB and double down again and pretend I'm a child that doesn't know what they're talking about

          • radiofreeval [any]
            3 days ago

            sucking cock doesn't mean you're gay, unless you think america (and israel) is definitively MALE, and saying israel gets her dick sucked does NOT = antisemitism

            Tagline now

            I don't care what the context is but saying "I'm not homophobic, the US is sucking Israel's feminine penis and Israel getting her girlcock sucked isn't antisemitic" is a wild thing to say and you should log off in shame for this monstrous birth of an image.

          • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
            3 days ago

            You really are a stupid one lmao

            Uses 'sucking dick' as a pejorative

            Doesn't understand why that would be considered homophobic

            • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
              3 days ago

              Doesn't understand why that would be considered homophobic

              Oh they understand. They're just a LIB so they think its okay

          • CyborgMarx [any, any]
            3 days ago

            Wtf are you babbling about you dipshit genocide lover? "uNlesS yOu tHinK iS dEfINiTiVeLY mALe" you know perfectly well your usage was homophobic, otherwise you wouldn't have used the insult in the first place you dumb fuck

            Also goes without saying for anyone who's not a .zip cockroach; the US runs the show in Israel, not the other way around, try to catch up chud

            nice try though. i have to say this sub is full of passionate people, even though mostly children

            jagoff jagoff jagoff

          • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
            3 days ago


            Most stunning reversal yet seen on lemmy

            Lib uses a homophobic trope antisemitically, and then tries to WELL ACKSHUALLY abouthow it was... trans inclusive?

            You should not be posting through this, my comrade michael-laugh

          3 days ago

          top priority is get republicans (fascists) out of power at the federal and local level. until that happens, there will be no discussion, no debate, and if they win this year, no VOTING at all. you think the genocide is bad with biden? LOL just google some of the things trump has said about how to deal with pro-palestine protesters

              • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
                3 days ago

                I'm simply pointing out the idiocy in you literally doing the '99% hitler v 100% hitler argument'

                By all means, get all self righteous and sanctimonious about people not voting for a guy who enacted a border shutdown bill, who has literally circumvented Congress to run guns to Israel, and countless other atrocities

                Let me know where that 'lesser evilism' gets you; you'll be back here in four years again. Every four years.

                vote on your "principles" comrade (aka sit on your ass and don't vote for shit)


                I donate to groups abroad to help negate the damage your guy does while in office, and I volunteer my time to help as well. But you're really telling on yourself here by thinking 'voting' is the only thing that makes a difference here. Why are you even here and not on Reddit in your insular, liberal echo chamber? You clearly are only after that.

              • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
                3 days ago

                since israel is the potus's (whoever that may be) puppet, and not the other way around

                Are you still out here claiming that Isreal controls the US?

          • FunkyStuff [he/him]
            3 days ago

            There's nothing more Biden could've done to help Israel kill Palestinians than what he's done in the past 8 months. There is physically no way that the genocide is gonna "get worse under Trump." We're already giving bombs and money to Israel faster that they can use them, and there is no act of depravity that will turn either the Democratic or Republican parties away from unrelenting support of the genocide.

            You want to come up with a line of reasoning that absolves you for cheerleading for genocide, but history will show that every American that voted for either one of these geriatric demons was more interested in maintaining their treats than applying pressure to their political establishment to end the genocide. You're no better than a German cheering on the Freikorps, and asking the ghosts of the dead communists to voot against Hitler.

          • BeamBrain [he/him]
            3 days ago

            and if they win this year, no VOTING at all.

            RemindMe! 4 years

            • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
              3 days ago

              That'd be tight. Then I wouldn't have to hear about American election every 2 years because your cycles last so.fucking long they neve seem to end and the result would be the same anyway

          • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
            3 days ago

            if they win this year, no VOTING at all.

            If you believe this, then why is Trump allowed to run at all?!?! Why aren't there calls to outlaw the republican party?

          • AnarchoAnarchist [none/use name]
            3 days ago

            Listen here Jack, if I'm going to support a one-party state it's not going to be one made up of a bunch of corporate liberals.

          • HelluvaBottomCarter [comrade/them]
            3 days ago

            How do you get republicans (fascists) out of power at the federal level when Democrats at the federal level are friends with many republicans (fascists), covet republican (fascist) votes, and openly advocates having a strong republican (fascist) party? You're saying we should get rid of fascists by voting for the people who help fascism?

            • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
              3 days ago

              You're saying we should get rid of fascists by voting for the people who help fascism?

              Nothing could possibly go wrong doing that. No historical precedent for that being a bad idea

          • radiofreeval [any]
            3 days ago

            You're right. We need to get rid of fascists who commit genocide, sign the most draconian anti immigration bill in decades, crack down violently on students, repeal abortion protection, extend mass surveillance, fuel racist retoric, commit genocide, criminalize homelessness, allow destruction of the environment, profit of horrible wars, commit genocide, create a permanent underclass, use slave labor, commit genocide and commit genocide.

      • Egon [they/them]
        3 days ago

        What a tepid turd of a defense for supporting genocide. Voting for genocide means you support it, by doing so you legitimise and empower Biden to ignore calls for action. Giving your vote unconditionally is bad bargaining.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        3 days ago

        I don't know what you said but whatever it was if you vote for either of these people you ARE endorsing genocide.

        Every single death that happens after this vote, you voted for. You knew what they would do and you endorsed it, you gave them a mandate for it.

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        3 days ago

        So you're saying the Democratic Party will openly support Trump's Gaza policy, and the media, and the EU, they're all gonna fall behind Trump and sing his praises as he bombs Gaza, is that seriously your claim?