I ask this in good faith, and I do not mean to bring about struggle sessions with this question (keep it civil, please :). I'm writing a sort of mini-essay on a certain topic (Edit: not anymore, I lost my writing appetite), and veganism fits into that topic (I'm keeping it vague because I'll probably post it here and I don't want to spoil the whole thing). If people are on the fence and others want to know more about what Veganism is and why they should consume in that way, I would be grateful if others more experienced and well-read on the subject could provide resources or counter-reasons. I feel like a lot of the things I believed before going vegan turned out to be misconceptions, and it doesn't hurt to be more educated on a subject, right?

Edit: I need to take a break from the internet again, if my brain wasn't fried already it is now (not anything any of you started, I brought this upon myself)

  • Speaker [e/em/eir]
    2 days ago

    vegan-seitan Yes.

    There was a really beautiful moment during the height of the pandemic when the flesh peddlers were struggling with supply chain issues and suddenly there were a lot more "treats" available that I used to push a few people over the line. Sadly, the pendulum has swung back the other way and even normie stuff like Morning Star is putting eggs and milk in their god damn "plant-based" burgers, and honey is in everything as a crunchy version of corn syrup. I feel increasingly unsafe experimenting with foods I don't prepare myself since labeling has become even shittier and the occasional options from local places have largely dried up. Comrade bird flu, please, my people are suffering.

    • Luna [she/her, it/its]
      2 days ago

      REAL. I bought morningstar (Kellogs) stuff once only to see it wasn't vegan despite being shelved with other vegan food. That part about the pandemic is also interesting, how would people react is animal product once again became more expensive and inaccessible? Something to study if it ever happens again I guess.