I ask this in good faith, and I do not mean to bring about struggle sessions with this question (keep it civil, please :). I'm writing a sort of mini-essay on a certain topic (Edit: not anymore, I lost my writing appetite), and veganism fits into that topic (I'm keeping it vague because I'll probably post it here and I don't want to spoil the whole thing). If people are on the fence and others want to know more about what Veganism is and why they should consume in that way, I would be grateful if others more experienced and well-read on the subject could provide resources or counter-reasons. I feel like a lot of the things I believed before going vegan turned out to be misconceptions, and it doesn't hurt to be more educated on a subject, right?

Edit: I need to take a break from the internet again, if my brain wasn't fried already it is now (not anything any of you started, I brought this upon myself)

  • Tomboymoder [she/her, it/its]
    6 days ago

    If she wants milk just get her the milk.
    I already care very little about the "vote with your wallet"-esque arguments about veganism, but all you are doing is getting milk for someone who would of already paid for the milk regardless.
    Not doing so because you personally are vegan just makes you kind of an asshole to a disabled old woman and has basically no moral or practical effect on the animal agricultural system.

    • solongbeengood [he/him]
      6 days ago

      I don’t think it makes someone an asshole to live according to their moral principles. Like, I wouldn’t help her buy a sodastream either. And it’s perfectly possible to explain to people why you aren’t comfortable doing so and offering to help in other ways. No one needs milk to live.

      • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
        6 days ago

        You're really comparing the dairy industry to what Israel does to Palestinians? Yikes.

        • solongbeengood [he/him]
          6 days ago

          No, I’m comparing purchasing decisions derived from ethical concerns. Just because the suffering of Palestinians experiencing genocide is far worse doesn’t mean that the exploitation of animals is okay, two things can both be bad even though one is worse.