
  • Droplet [comrade/them]
    3 days ago

    Here’s how Biden can still win:

    1. Rig the election blatantly and without regards for optics, cling on to the throne by any means necessary.
    2. Start a 9/11-level incident, preferably an international incident far from home, like exploding a tactical nuke or a dirty bomb and blame it on Russia or someone. Use the international incident as a national security threat to push endless fearmongering into the public consciousness: “Do you want Donald Trump to protect you when America is under attack? Trump wants to let Putin nuke the whole world!”
    3. Pull a Chen Shui-bian, preferably a deranged MAGA gun nut who hates the “Biden crime family”, use the incident and sympathy to call upon the upstanding American citizens to “stop MAGA fascism from destroying our democracy and civil society”.