If one were to make this argument, (and no one should), I would say that Biden's persistent disregard for the consent of the governed is a much better fit than the shit they're shoveling
ayup. Buttigieg was too much of a stretch and burned by the scandal in iowa so they gave it to Joe, simple as. To the real power brokers and ghouls even "roll over and do whatever the DNC wants" warren was too radical.
The Bionic Man series, but it's dnc ghouls using the technology at their disposal to drag Biden's carcass through every election for the last forty years.
If one were to make this argument, (and no one should), I would say that Biden's persistent disregard for the consent of the governed is a much better fit than the shit they're shoveling
At no point did a sane person look at covid, climate change, and trump and think "Joe Biden could fix this. "
And here we are being told that he will be made leader and that you're recreating personal trauma for having a problem with that.
Biden is a president who has no concern for anyone's consent.
Joe was never chosen to beat Trump or solve anything. He was chosen to stop Bernie
ayup. Buttigieg was too much of a stretch and burned by the scandal in iowa so they gave it to Joe, simple as. To the real power brokers and ghouls even "roll over and do whatever the DNC wants" warren was too radical.
Buttigieg hadn't proven himself yet.. even as a former McKinley drone, it wasn't enough to prove he could be entrusted to be the puppet.
that's what I mean by too much of a stretch
But it could've also just been "lets see if we can give iowa to bootyjudge" to make it look like a crowded field but also nerf bernard's momentum
The Bionic Man series, but it's dnc ghouls using the technology at their disposal to drag Biden's carcass through every election for the last forty years.
Not to mention his disregard for the consent of children whose hair he sniffs