"When President Trump invited me to speak at this convention, there was political unrest. On the left and on the right. (It's) hard to believe. Anti-union groups demanded that Trump rescind the invitation. The left called me a traitor. This is precisely why it's so important for me to be here today. Think about this: The Teamsters are doing something correct if the extremes of both parties think I shouldn't be on this stage."
Sean O'Brien, Teamsters President @ RNC

Literally doing the meme of "I know I'm right if everyone hates me".

  • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
    2 months ago

    sean o'brien going on the rnc stage to perform fellatio on the most bought and paid kochhead john bircherites the right fascists have to offer is the most deeply embarrassing thing to happen to amerikkkan labor unions in quite some time