The C-suite long ago sold out the United States, shuttering factories in the homeland and gutting American jobs, while using the profits to push diversity, equity, and inclusion and the religion of the trans flag.

They have forged trade deals that led directly to the hemorrhaging of 4 million good jobs to China.

But as O’Brien correctly observed Monday night, that isn’t the Republican Party’s true tradition. There was a time when Republicans knew that American strength depends squarely on American workers—and their way of life: family, neighborhood, church, union hall. Ronald Reagan knew it.

China is ripping us off, and strong tariffs must be maintained and expanded.

Teamsters blaming transgender people, "DEI", and China for the suppression of the labor unions in America. Gives support to family, church, and Ronald Reagan.

  • combat_brandonism [they/them]
    2 months ago

    Yeah I mean the ideology at its root is fundamentally anarchist so if you're looking for demcent you're barking up the wrong tree. But if you work in an industry that's not already well organized, they're probably your best choice for learning how to organize your workplace. The DSA's been doing a lot of work there recently too and deserve a shoutout. The only other alternative is to reach out to a business union, which is how you get the Teamsters representing prison guards, the AFT organizing a hospital, etc. And those business unions are better than nothing but you'll still need to do your own organizing to counteract the likely comprador leadership of the union (the whole impetus for this thread lol).

    Wobblies are big tent tho, there's plenty of anarchobidenists and a few MLs too. But like the labor leaders Lenin mentioned at the top of your cited section of "Left-Wing" Communism, the MLs who are members are there for workplace organizing and not trying to make the org itself demcent:

    Thus, on the whole, we have a formally non-communist, flexible and relatively wide and very powerful proletarian apparatus, by means of which the Party is closely linked up with the class and the masses, and by means of which, under the leadership of the Party, the class dictatorship is exercised.

    Worth noting that the union leadership Lenin talks about didn't just turn Party member overnight. It's one of the outcomes of pursuing a dual power strategy for a long period of time.

    due to the factionalism being so bad in the IWW that it resulted in their internal elections being mandated by law to have federal oversight over allegations of fraud due to them joining the NLRB

    I'd appreciate you removing this FUD comrade. It's both not how the NLRB works nor how internal wobbly elections work (as much as they do), and it's borderline fedjacketing from a place of admitted ignorance.

    Internal wobbly politics are shit, not defending that. I ignore it as much as possible. But the most active membership is focused on shop floor organizing, and on the whole it's a good org for that purpose. Which is why I mentioned them. They're not a replacement for party organizing, nor do they claim to be, and that wasn't the purpose of my comment. Just noting that it's a marked difference from the IWW at the height (or just after) of its power that Lenin was critiquing.

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      I'd appreciate you removing this FUD comrade. It's both not how the NLRB works nor how internal wobbly elections work (as much as they do), and it's borderline fedjacketing from a place of admitted ignorance.

      I'll grant that, as it's second-hand information drawn purely from my swiss cheese memorybanks.

      Thus, on the whole, we have a formally non-communist, flexible and relatively wide and very powerful proletarian apparatus, by means of which the Party is closely linked up with the class and the masses, and by means of which, under the leadership of the Party, the class dictatorship is exercised.

      Worth noting that the union leadership Lenin talks about didn't just turn Party member overnight. It's one of the outcomes of pursuing a dual power strategy for a long period of time.

      I'd point out that such a dual power strategy is the result of a communist party pursuing it for a long period of time and not

      The DSA's been doing a lot of work there recently too and deserve a shoutout. The only other alternative is to reach out to a business union, which is how you get the Teamsters representing prison guards, the AFT organizing a hospital, etc. And those business unions are better than nothing but you'll still need to do your own organizing to counteract the likely comprador leadership of the union (the whole impetus for this thread lol).

      relying on social democrats or unions that've had their ranks drained and stripped of their Reds for decades - which while DSA should get a pat on the head for their accomplishments in the field, they also deserve to get their nose rubbed in their own turds with regards to their ties to the TDU.

      Ultimately this discussion boils down to Communists need to be joining or building or expanding unions and working their way up their power structures to the best of their ability in order to reorientate them as proletarian structures. Something that's not accomplished by going ick at the currently existing structures and running off to build your own unions and believe your left-sounding phrasemongering will suddenly inspire union workers to flood over to you. You get in there and kick the foxes out of the henhouse and slam the door on their asses

      • combat_brandonism [they/them]
        2 months ago

        100-com to all of that. The DSA shoutout was just for helping workers ignored by shit business unions organize, they get no credit for

        Communists need to be joining or building or expanding unions and working their way up their power structures to the best of their ability in order to reorientate them as proletarian structures.

        The discussion of the current state of the IWW just goes to me pointing out that a notable difference from a century ago is that they're a small part of the movement to, "get in there and kick the foxes out of the henhouse and slam the door on their asses," and have largely abandoned 'left-sounding phrasemongering to suddenly inspire union workers to flood over to them'.

        Ty for removing the FUD. The IWW is far from perfect but they are largely a good org when it comes to organizing for shop floor power.