I will share my own experience soon.

  • Speaker [e/em/eir]
    2 months ago

    CW: IQ bell curve meme


    Me at 12 listening to the Sex Pistols and being handed Chomsky so I could "learn what anarchy means", me in my early 20s reading Emma Goldman and eating tons of acid, me after that reading Stirner and Malatesta and going out with FnB and copwatchers and the like. There was one semester in college where I was a proponent of enlightened despotism, but we all do embarrassing shit when we're on the rebound.

    EDIT: I also forgot the teacher I had in elementary school who gave me a copy of Ishmael, which is probably at least a little responsible for my anti/post-civ green anarchist politics.

    • duderium [he/him]
      2 months ago

      We read Ishmael in high school too. Lib me was frustrated that the book doesn’t advocate for any solutions?