post had like 20k likes btw. found it because my mom's retired boomer friend always shows up on my suggestions, she rt'd it and said she had "sobbed" herself.

kinda feel bad for some of the delusion but holy shit lmao


cw: alcoholism


  • ObamaSama [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Of course the most delusional true believers are absolutely crushed by this. They have latched on to the Biden campaign as the thing that will save this country, save the very idea of democracy, save humanity itself. Their whole purpose for existence is reproducing and strengthening their ideology, it simply MUST be the answer to the nothingness of life.

    Imagine the person that truly internalizes and believes the “most important election of your lifetime” grift and how unsettling it must be to see the adults in the room self destruct and completely destroy any chances of winning. It’s like taking a two passenger plane hit to your core belief in the validity and ontological importance of the whole American project.

    It’s certainly enough to send someone into an existential spiral but luckily for them, libs are the absolute masters of sublimating desire, constantly moving those goal posts and dangling that carrot on a stick tantalizing just out of reach. It’s truly impressive how they can mirror that fundamental “lack” in a Lacanian sense with a perpetual series of empty promises and infinite cope to justify their lack of progress. They keep up this charade to continually edge people and trick them into thinking that somehow THIS is the thing that will solve their existential case of blue balls