14 fucking years undercover as a chef. In Paris. That dastardly kgb

  • Awoo [she/her]
    2 months ago

    The 40-year-old man was arrested during a raid of his apartment in central Paris on Sunday where a document linked to an elite Russian special forces unit operating under the command of the FSB, an heir to the KGB, was reportedly found.

    A document?

    A single document?

    This feels a lot like when they sprinkle crack on a black guy after arresting them.

    Find a russian, raid their place, find a document, make a huge thing of it.

    Prosecutors in Paris said the search of the Russian national’s apartment had been carried out at the request of the French interior ministry.


    the intelligence services had listened into a call two months ago between the individual and a Russian intelligence services handler in which the suspect had stated that “the French are going to have an opening ceremony like there has never been before”.

    Did he have a long thin moustache that he twirled around his fingers while he said that?

    • yoink [she/her]
      2 months ago

      the intelligence services had listened into a call two months ago between the individual and a Russian intelligence services handler in which the suspect had stated that “the French are going to have an opening ceremony like there has never been before”.

      he then went on to say that the opening ceremony was 'going to be the bomb', and that 'the audience's minds would be blown', and when pressed further he said that he heard that the French were going to have 'the biggest blowout in history', all clear signs of terrorist intent

    • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
      2 months ago

      They’re serious. They had some B-movie scriptwriter come and concoct something out of a cheap spy thriller.