AI could be such a neat, useful thing. But nope, capitalists can't help themselves. Gotta use it to grift the internet with low quality content and steal from artists.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    2 months ago

    I like to use it for summarising large texts. It's very effective at that.

    I don't like using it for much else, occasionally if I have writers block for an announcement or something it's a good way to break through it but I almost never go with its suggestions but rather it helps me to outline something and then it's most reworded in a way that isn't absolute garbage because it only ever outputs corpo-speak.

    • Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Using it to summarize large blocks of text sounds like a really great use. I’ll have to remember that next time I’m trying to get thru something and just want the Cliff’s Notes.

        2 months ago

        Actually there was a writeup posted not too long ago by a researcher who compared his summary of a report to one made by chatgpt, and the gist of his writeup is that AI doesn't effectively summarize things, it just shortens them. Which makes sense when you consider that it doesn't actually understand any of what it's consuming. So beware that in those summaries you could end up with irrelevant information, false conclusions, and a lot of missing vital information. If it's not something super important that's fine but it's a big pitfall to be aware of.

        • Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]
          2 months ago

          Ok that does make some sense. It doesn’t understand what portions of sentences/paragraphs are conveying something important because it’s not an actual brain so I suppose if I’m using it to summarize a jam recipe I’ll be okay but definitely don’t use it to summarize a molten salt reactor build.

          • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
            2 months ago

            I can easily see it getting confused by prioritizing the wrong information. "Use 2.5-3 cups of butter or 3 cups of margarine" getting cut down to "use 2.5-3 cups butter or margarine" and then you're fucked if you use 2.5 cups margarine, to use a silly example off the top of my head. But pretend it's a molten salt reactor instead.