they don't need to think about anything, i'm talking about the feeling it instils in them. It reaffirms their supremacist mindset immediately, no hard gears need to turn
... titillating to think of the animal slaves killing each other for their favor like some kind of Animal Augustus Caesar sitting atop the coliseum
directly makes it sound like they're thinking about all that instead of just incuriously laughing at something coded as humor. these people do not do media analysis and i'd be shocked if they felt anything besides mild amusement or whatever the term for "i recognize that was formed like humor but it wasn't funny enough to get a reaction" i didn't know the german loanword.
nah no way they think that hard about it
it's probably just derivative of the rabbit season/ duck season bit from looney tunes
they don't need to think about anything, i'm talking about the feeling it instils in them. It reaffirms their supremacist mindset immediately, no hard gears need to turn
i'm confused then.
directly makes it sound like they're thinking about all that instead of just incuriously laughing at something coded as humor. these people do not do media analysis and i'd be shocked if they felt anything besides mild amusement or whatever the term for "i recognize that was formed like humor but it wasn't funny enough to get a reaction" i didn't know the german loanword.
I believe the term is "about as funny as cancer" which also accurately describes the situation