No, I haven't seen it. Yes, I know RedLetterMedia is not an infallible source of movie criticism. But when I read about the movie myself, from promotional material for it no less, I found myself asking "that's it? That's all there is to this?"

Maybe my interest/fondness of the franchise hasn't fully recovered from that "David actually made the alien and killed all the Engineers" retcon asspull from before that made the universe feel very small and stripped it of a lot of curiousity and dread in the darkness of space and all of that.

If you saw it and liked it, that's great. Share what you liked about it if you like. The set design, physical costume/makeup work, and even the acting all sound promising, but I don't think I could bear to sit through what really does sound like some LLM-written kitbash of the previous movies.

  • Hexboare [they/them]
    26 days ago

    You should watch the Deadpool movie, as a treat of treats

    The telesync cams are very good

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      26 days ago

      I was strongly considering doing that when I had the time and the spare cash in pocket.

      Even RedLetterMedia seemed to like it and they're as tired of capeshit as I am.

      • Hexboare [they/them]
        26 days ago

        It's capeshit that makes fun of capeshit, with a heavy dose of 2000s middle school quasi-homophobic jokes for those that aren't in it for the meta humour

        But ultimately it's still capeshit and can't really decide whether it's fully taking the piss out of itself or not

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          26 days ago

          with a heavy dose of 2000s middle school quasi-homophobic jokes for those that aren't in it for the meta humour

          Because I'm already tired of capeshit, actually knew the comics' lore pre MCU and was already tired of it then, and because I always hated 2000s edgelord humor, that's definitely a mark against me seeing it.