If the planet isn't poisoned more and if workers (and the public in general) aren't killed for arbitrary reasons on a whim, ascension is canceled. pronouns

  • Wheaties [she/her]
    16 days ago

    The practical universe ends at the ozone.

    Humanity is not going to live on other planets; not in the 21st century and almost certainly not in the 22nd century either. Hell, making a perminant residence on Mars or Veneous or whatever would be a centuries long undertaking -- the sort of thing well beyond us. At best, at the very damn best, we can lay a foundation that may one day a very long time from now perhaps maybe have a chance of even starting such a thing. And by "lay a foundation" I mean preserve, restore, rehabilitate and care for the biosphere. If you really wanna see people in space, we need more regulation. Far, far more.

    • Philosophosphorous [comrade/them, he/him]
      16 days ago

      even if humans could organize and design fully self-sustaining habitats that did not require a biosphere or extensive body modifications (unlikely), there would be little reason for us to ever bother with the energy expenditure of transitioning into or out of a gravity well ever again.