I think astrology is really fucking stupid and it annoys the fuck out of me when people won't shut the fuck up about it, especially when they KNOW you don't believe in it. The whole relationship I've wanted to say that but I bit my fucking tongue, but I'm single now (and high) so fuck you.

There I fucking said it. No I don't want to debate about it, I'm venting, let me have this tonight.

    • Angel [any]
      11 days ago

      There are plenty of women who find astrology bullshit, plenty of men who are obsessed with astrology, and plenty of things that are mostly favored by women but are absolutely vile like TERFism. However, I wouldn't call astrology as harmful as that obviously.

      The point is that, as long as you toss aside the misogyny or bigotry, it's fine to criticize bullshit, and astrology is such.

      I don't vibe with such logic honestly. I doubt that OP is screaming this at every woman he sees with crystals. Correct me if I'm wrong, @Diuretic_Materialism@hexbear.net.

      • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
        11 days ago

        No I am not.

        Also this partner wasn't a woman FYI.

        Honestly I wouldn't mind it if it was a hobby most people kept to themselves, but some people are REALLY insistent on talking about it, constantly, even when you've expressed a total disinterest in it or even a dislike of it. I think that would be rude with EVERY hobby. Like yeah I sometimes will go on small Star Trek rants to my non-Trekkie friends as a joke, but if I kept doing it so much it started annoying them and they asked me to stop, I'd stop.

        • Dessa [she/her]
          11 days ago

          I wouldn't mind hearing a trekkie rant if one's been on your mind

        • StalinStan [none/use name]
          11 days ago

          Yeah, I been been trying to get into trekie rants around here and there hasn't been much heat I fear.

      • StalinStan [none/use name]
        11 days ago

        Like all religion it is an opiate for the masses. Howver, opium is a medicine. Sick people need medicine. Being mad at the medicine and not the disease is not dialectic at all I think

      • StalinStan [none/use name]
        11 days ago

        That is the nature of society yes. Unless we have something better to offer tearing down a largely harmless thing they enjoy is just being petty though. No one's life is going to be improved hearing us tell them they are stupid and wrong again. I feel like kinda goes against the community building vibe we shoudl be aiming for

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          11 days ago

          It's the nature of society but also what you just said. Someone don't need to believe in space eugenics, that's not something men need to 'give them' and it turns out you were just entirely wrong fundamentally since in this case it was two dudes, please leave your hippie bullshit at the door.

        • GarbageShoot [he/him]
          11 days ago

          Unless we have something better to offer

          Low bar. Literally even fucking Meyers-Briggs is better because at least it's based on your responses and has no pretenses of cosmic destiny.

    • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
      11 days ago

      I'm going to sound passionate about this because I'm passionate about this, not because I'm coming in hot @ you or even have anything against you in particular. More like, your comment provided the nucleation point around which a bunch of thoughts I haven't been able to put into words suddenly crystalized into words so no I'm going a-ranting. I respect a [no pronouns provided] who stans Stalin and am not attacking you, but I want to tilt at some ideas you expressed and ideas that you defended.

      When I talk about Astrology I am referring to modern Western Pop Astrology. I don't know shit about astrology from other cultures nor am I talking about those kinds.

      However it is women's bullshit and we never let them have anything nice. It is our job to protect it until they get bored of it and move on.

      This comes across as sexist (the thing that is bullshit is inherently feminine!) and patronizing (protect their frivolous bullshit til they grow out of it?) as well as patently false (why say it's women's? men and other non-women are into this shit too!)

      It's gets people intrested in the stars and the universe

      What good is people's "interest" in stars and the universe if they're going to be interested in it in a way that is disrespectful to the beauty of nature and elevates fiction over fact? That is a false interest that is more interest in their own personalities and feelings. Astrology is at best a way for people to express their own thoughts and feelings by projecting them onto made up shit about stars. I don't view that as them being interested in the stars, I view that as them being (put uncharitably) narcissistically interested in themselves or (put more charitably) struggling to find a way to grapple with difficult feelings and concepts about their material conditions and interpersonal strife. But turning to fake shit is not right! It may provide some false comfort, but it also misleads people into incompetent thinking rather than honing the analytical skills required to grapple with the problems of living in late stage capitalism [point 1 that I will come back to] and actively trains them to be sloppy thinkers who are easily misled. So I say no, pseudoscientific bullshit like present-day western astrology is subtly counterrevolutionary. To cut through problems we must be able to see them clearly and it is counterproductive to foster a willingness in people to disregard the evidence before them because it makes them uncomfortable.

      A disclaimer, why do I not say the same about religion at large? Because religion can provide a set of moral ethics that lead people to leftism -- after all, it was my religious upbringing that laid the ethical foundations which led me to Communism. But astrology provides no ethics save for "you are the center of the universe," and that type of individualistic spirituality provides such an easy path to reaction. Ever hear, "the crunchy to fascist pipeline is real?" Basically that: new age spirituality's focus on the individual is the opposite of the collectivist community-valuing ethos we need. Well then how do I square that with many leftists being into astrology? By watching really fucking carefully which ones live by leftist values and which ones merely larp them for the aesthetic and to be counterculture for the sake of being counterculture. (And to be clear I’m not denouncing anyone for being into Astrology or calling it a moral failing, but I do not trust the judgement and wisdom of someone who’s into astrology as much and am more wary with them. More on that to follow).

      Anyway, that point 1: To believe in astrology one must fundamentally reject an ironclad commitment to material analysis in favor of a more woo-woo vibes-based approach which centers their feelings and psychological biases as the arbiters of reality. This is why astrology fanatics do not respond to any science about it. Talk about gravity, and they come up with some excuse. Talk about the many psychological studies done that show the Barnum Effect's relation to astrology, and they wave it away because what they feel is true is more important than what is actually true. If that’s what they want, fine, but it is a liability I keep in mind when evaluating how much to trust and rely on which comrades in what ways. As just one example, I’ve had friends I know are into astrology tell me that certain unmasked social activities are covid safe. I said no, when we look at the science and physics of how covid spreads, they really aren’t. None listened to my explanation and it was a bit socially isolating for me to not join them — however, they got covid as I warned and I did not. It was kind of hard to go against the social pressure but I knew that these people do not understand and respect physical reality and are prone to shifting their beliefs based on what they want to be true rather than on what they can see is true, so it would have been foolish of me to trust my safety to them in that way.

      More on why astrology is bad: fostering an inability grapple with reality undermines people’s ability to analyze the world as it is and navigate it. Maybe this is a chicken and egg thing — those who can grasp reality do not fall so easily for astrology or if they do, they abandon it when presented with evidence disproving it. So maybe it’s more fair to say astrology is a filter that selects for people who are bad at assessing material reality. Regardless, it’s a red flag and it’s way past my bedtime and the more tired I get the less coherent and more verbose I get so I gotta wrap this up, shut up, and sleep.

      Blah blah blah, I see belief in astrology being more comorbid with people who will make consensus-based and vibes-based assessments rather than looking at the world as it actually is, which is a liability. Ok I’m definitely repeating myself.

      Lastly, I’m not saying to go denounce Astrology to all its adherents or harbor a seething hatred of anyone into it. Ultimately, it’s not a fight worth having and there are so many bigger things to deal with that it’s just a minor annoyance unless it’s being forced on me in a consent-violating way in which case yeah, I’ll snap and go off at someone about it. But generally I take this approach with new friends who are into it and try to rope me in: “Friend, with love, no. Please leave me out of it. I dislike astrology, I don’t believe in it, and I don’t want to be involved in this. But I do like you and respect our friendship so, as long as you can respect my boundary of not wanting to be astrologized, I will respect your enthusiasm for it and not argue with you about it”. Most people can take that fine and that’s great! If they’re talking amongst themselves about it I zone out or read on my phone or go talk with the other friend who hates astrology instead about something unrelated. And while I don’t trust their judgement in some matters, I do respect them in others and consider them good friends! A few haven’t been able to and their insistence on crossing the clear boundary I set about not wanting to have my fucking “sign” guessed and everything ascribed to it, well, their insistence on crossing a clear boundary about something that is actually quite distressing to me for personal reasons is a big red flag, so I distance myself from them because if they’d cross such a small boundary how can I trust them with something important?

      P.S. When I said, earlier, "I am referring to modern Western Pop Astrology", perhaps the root of what I'm critiquing is Western Whiteness expressing itself through this cultural construct of Astrology.

      • StalinStan [none/use name]
        10 days ago

        You are probably correct on all your points. I a nuanced analysis the points you made are probbaly important and true. I think this is most a posting reflex I have from not leftist spaces. Like, with normal people they aren't against astrology because it is codified magical thinking. They are against it because it is feminine coded. Which, I think I project onto any criticism of feminine coded discourse. Like, it is this creeping thing where people have fully reasonable critiques of things that they have terrible reasons to not like. Like, how hilliary Clinton is a monstrous person but people are watching more critical of her than Bill. Where the only trend in the data is that people instinctively critizie women and minority coded things more. I dunno. I have been working on figuring out this emotion and I don't think I have quite worked it through fully.

      • StalinStan [none/use name]
        11 days ago

        You are allowed. People just get to sweaty about it. You have an excuse You are fine. Thr rest of us should do better. So my complaint was performative.

        • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
          11 days ago


          Thing is some people are so obnoxious about it I think those of us who don't believe it in are allowed the occasional venting session even when we haven't been dumped.

          It's like how I'll suffer a little reddit atheism when a religious group does something obnoxious.