The revolution has failed. Fascism has temporarily succeeded under the guise of reform. The only way we can destroy it is to refuse to compromise with the enemy state and its ruling class.

George Jackson, born on this day in 1941, was the revolutionary author of "Soledad Brother: The Prison Letters of George Jackson" and co-founder of the Marxist-Leninist Black Guerilla Family.

In 1970, Jackson was charged, along with two other Soledad Brothers, with the murder of prison guard John Vincent Mills in the aftermath of a prison fight. The same year, he published "Soledad Brother: The Prison Letters of George Jackson", a combination of autobiography and manifesto addressed to a black American audience. The book became a bestseller and earned Jackson personal fame.

Jackson was killed during an attempted prison escape on August 21st, 1971. Quoting communist revolutionary Ho Chi Minh, Jackson freed twenty-six prisoners and took hostages at gunpoint. Jackson and five other men were killed.

Fay Stender, George Jackson's former lawyer, was shot and paralyzed for her alleged betrayal of Jackson by Black Guerilla Family member Edward Glenn Brooks. Brooks entered her home, tied up her family, and forced Stender to say "I, Fay Stender, admit I betrayed George Jackson and the prison movement when they needed me most" before shooting her several times. Left paralyzed and in chronic pain, Stender testified against Brooks and committed suicide a year later.

"Settle your quarrels, come together, understand the reality of our situation, understand that fascism is already here, that people are already dying who could be saved, that generations more will live poor butchered half-lives if you fail to act. Do what must be done, discover your humanity and your love in revolution."

George Jackson

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  • rtstragedy [she/her]
    3 hours ago

    (this meeting is really boring lol) no tips, unfortunately... wait, ok some tips, but just like my opinion man

    1. I got into my parent's head, found the foundational things they believe, which everything else is built off. For them, it was religion. So I framed things in that way, since that's where I found success before. This is after a decade though, both of them are retiring now, etc. Suddenly, Jesus is progressive instead of regressive, etc. (I am not religious, for anyone else reading). If they're gonna trust the Bibbel, I'm gonna use that to highlight contradictions etc.

    2. I think that maybe chasing after individual brainworms makes them retreat, I would make comments, but they wouldn't change their opinions. My dad usually just lets me talk, so when I started talking about Blackshirts and Reds, he started listening, and suddenly Mom was involved in the conversation somehow, they were asking questions, for clarification. I remember this exchange:

    mom (from away from phone): "is she a communist??"

    dad (to mom): "no, she's a socialist, it's different"

    me: "well, actually..."

    1. for some reason, they just fucking started taking me seriously one day. Maybe they don't really believe it (They are retiring, so my only goals are to connect with them honestly and to use this as an opportunity to get better as talking to people about my beliefs), but my dad has been through a lot of shit in the tech industry ... talking about the Real Actual Emotions was cathartic for him, and it just so happens I had an explanation - there was a seed of dissatisfaction with The Narrative in there, and once he shared it with me I was able to give my opinions, and suddenly he was agreeing, and really appreciating being heard, and ... well, our conversations became a lot easier after...
    • ashinadash [she/her]
      2 hours ago
      oh boy

      I dunno what the fuck kinda beliefs my dad has, he smokes weed and is sort of an original hippie but not really. I wish he had anything as coherent as religion for me to work with... You might be right about brainworms though, I did seem to get through talking about Israel being a dog of the US empire... just not so much when the conversation turned to Palestinians.

      dad (to mom): "no, she's a socialist, it's different"

      I guffawed. My dad definitely has seeds of dissatisfaction, I just don't know how to build from "the government needs to do more healthcare and housing" to 'boomer guy stops being incredibly racist to the entire Arab world'. Big task...

      • rtstragedy [she/her]
        2 hours ago


        I wish he had anything as coherent as religion for me to work with... You might be right about brainworms though, I did seem to get through talking about Israel being a dog of the US empire... just not so much when the conversation turned to Palestinians.

        Damn yeah, I mean in my case any little breakthrough I'd push on, really just find those cracks and moments of vulnerability and genuineness, places where they want to listen and you can see their kind self shining through.

        I guffawed. My dad definitely has seeds of dissatisfaction, I just don't know how to build from "the government needs to do more healthcare and housing" to 'boomer guy stops being incredibly racist to the entire Arab world'. Big task...

        Yeah, it might be too big a task for a single person, honestly. People need to want to change and listen, after all...

        • ashinadash [she/her]
          1 hour ago

          yea I will continue chipping away, I'll try. Ugh men, why is it like this...

          I hope it's not, if he's beyond help with that I'm not gonna hang around much, like fuck that.

          • rtstragedy [she/her]
            1 hour ago

            good luck, if you want to chat anytime let me know!

            I can't remember if I ever technically went full NC with my parents, but I had to set boundaries. I could have been nicer, I used to hang up on them when they started pissing me off. Years on years of fighting with them. I had growing and trauma to deal with, so did they...

            For me, there were loads of times where I needed to back off, assert myself and say things like "you will use my pronouns or I will hang up." I think that sometimes doing nothing (like, giving them space etc.) can help, actually. For years, I didn't tell them I loved them. But now I see their squishy little souls, kind and damaged, and I appreciate how much work they've done to be better for me. I still refuse to see my extended family, as you know. Some people aren't worth it. I hope to find people that I can relate to that I can call family someday instead.

            • ashinadash [she/her]
              27 minutes ago

              Ty kirby-wave

              but I had to set boundaries. I could have been nicer, I used to hang up on them when they started pissing me off.

              waow-based Uncritical support, I love to see it.

              assert myself and say things like "you will use my pronouns or I will hang up." I think that sometimes doing nothing (like, giving them space etc.) can help, actually.

              Yeah I've done this a few times with them over gender stuff. Wonder if I should just dig in my heels about dad being a giant fucking racist...