Hi Chapos throwaway for obvious reasons.

I’ve managed to buy an apartment, two bedrooms. I live in it, but I rent the other room out. Is it unethical for me to hide that I’m the owner?

I don’t really lie-lie, like if I’m asked straight up I’ll answer, but I’ll avoid it if possible.

It’s mostly because it creates an odd power dynamic and I’d rather have a flatmate than a tenant if that makes sense.

Reason I bought is I don’t want to deal with landlords, obviously.

Do I get the wall?

  • GuiltyConscience [he/him]
    5 days ago

    You should also consider the equity gained if it's financed. I've known landlords that say, "I'm barely making any money", ignoring the fact that they'll own the property outright at the end of the mortgage.

    Yeah this is valid. At current interest rates, and assuming average capital growth, and accounting for the benefit of my own room, I’m pretty much breaking even, just doing napkin math and not accounting for tax. (If interest rates drop then I’ll be sitting prettier.)

    The way I see it is, I’m doing this so I don’t have to deal with landlords. I’m not able to live rent free, nor can I share that. But I can share the experience of being landlord free. (Sort of.)