In the preceding years, [Sergei] Witte had been regularly involved in managing imperial train journeys across his railroad and was well known to the tsar. Two months before the crash, Alexander, upset about Witte's insistence on reducing train speed limits, had publicly chastised him and his railway, referring to its owners' ethnicity:

Nowhere else has my speed been reduced; your railroad is an impossible one because it is a Jewish road.

According to Witte, he had warned the government earlier of the deficiencies in train setup, notably using paired steam engines and faulty saloon cars.

  • anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]
    1 day ago

    the raving imperialists who ran the anglo newspaper empire (the magnate behind the Daily Mail and Daily Mirror basically bought all English newspapers --- also thought he was Napoleon reincarnated and looked like the lovechild of churchill and hitler) when drumming up support for WWI called anti-war and neutrality efforts something like "a dirty German-Jewish plot of international finance to bully us into neutrality".

    Then a decade and a half later they published as genuine the Protocols of the Elders of Zion forgery.

    European racism is a fascinating thing.

      19 hours ago

      Then a decade and a half later they published as genuine the Protocols of the Elders of Zion forgery.

      Okhrana even published a test balloon earlier in Russian part of Poland, accusing Jews of plot to exterminate Slavs in the Wisła valley by... building sewers in Warsaw. It did increased antisemitism locally so then they worked on Protocols. Though the sewers were build because it was nearly 700000 city with no sewers whatsoever.

      • anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]
        1 hour ago

        There's also this bizarre new trend with Russian anticommunists where they say "Yeah sure things weren't great under the Tsar, but people werent lying awake at night in fear that they might be disappeared by evil secret police!"

        And like. (???) серьёзно? every single tactic of deceit and brutalization and infiltration and torture and lies and falsifications and frameups and false flag terror and provocateurs that intelligence and secret police use worldwide were inspired in awe by the expertise of the Okhrana. They were so deep in every aspect of society they reached the point where you would literally have Okhrana agents in every lead position of labor movements and religious movements and everything; and they'd direct protests into just sufficient enough resistance to make the protests feel like they struggled and sacrificed and accomplished something without ever really making a difference --- while disappearing and torturing those who had other ideas; kinda like Darren Seals and BLM corporate in the US today. Even father whats-his-name who led bloody sunday was a goddamn Okhranki.

        And they weren't even uniquely a new thing -- The Oprichniki before them were also things of nightmares (though afaik it was mostly boyars who were afraid of them and fuck those guys). There was that famous (and very cool) painting named after them based off the event where they staged a mock-coronation for some boyar lord to murder him. Like where do they think the Chekists and Red Terror came from and were necessary for the Bolsheviks? It was just for fun? had nothing to do with the pre-existing state and security forces? White terror was fake? One of Lenin's closest allies in the revolution turned out to be an Okhrana agent and they couldn't believe it for the longest time until it became proven enough to shoot the prick.

        Not to mention all of the pogroms. I couldn't believe the first time I heard someone assert 'at least there was no terror under the tsar'