In the preceding years, [Sergei] Witte had been regularly involved in managing imperial train journeys across his railroad and was well known to the tsar. Two months before the crash, Alexander, upset about Witte's insistence on reducing train speed limits, had publicly chastised him and his railway, referring to its owners' ethnicity:

Nowhere else has my speed been reduced; your railroad is an impossible one because it is a Jewish road.

According to Witte, he had warned the government earlier of the deficiencies in train setup, notably using paired steam engines and faulty saloon cars.

  • CTHlurker [he/him]
    19 hours ago

    A hysterically funny thing to me personally is whenever I read about right wingers prior to 1945, they would always accuse other people of being jews. It comes out of nowhere every time and it sort of cracks me up, because I genuinely cannot imagine people doing that today. Granted, today they just use other words to amean the same thing, but it's probably the bluntness that tickles me.

    • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
      15 hours ago

      they would always accuse other people of being jews

      They would also accuse them of being Jewish communists/Bolsheviks.

      They've since swapped it to "Islamo-communist" and "woke"

      • CTHlurker [he/him]
        14 hours ago

        Yeah, but like, I'm reading a long-ass book about Franco's Spain, and one of the things that the Spanish Right would do in the leadup to the Civil War was just the Spanish oligarchs denouncing various people as jews. That author at least, didn't make it sound like it "spanish right accuses others of being secret bolsheviks" but more liken "spanish right reinvents inquisition and accuses random catholics of secretly being jewish / jews", with the implications that being jewish was the crime these people committed.

          • CTHlurker [he/him]
            13 hours ago

            A People Betrayed by Paul Preson. It details a long story of Spain and it's politics from around the time of the Spanish-American War and until the fall of Franco I believe. The lead up to the civil war is incredibly long and detailed, and I think it's about 300 pages before you even get to the civil war, and then 20 pages of war, before it goes deep into post-war politics under Franco. I'm not even halfway and it's really good, albeit it's REALLY fucking detailed, and it makes you hate everyone that has ever been a right winger with a burning passion, if you don't already.

            Edit: Should probably add, this book was recommended highly on GenZedong back when that sub was still pretty active, and it was recommended with the caveat that the author isn't a socialist or a marxist, but he is still really good at understanding how structural contradictions drive society. Apparently the author isn't all too charitable to the Spanish socialist movement, but all I've seen so far is the fact that he blames the Republican's own infighting for the poor performance of the left/center in the civil war. Which isn't too much of a stretch to argue, I would say.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      16 hours ago

      Americans today accuse me of being russian 20 times per week. It's exactly the same behaviour.

    • anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]
      17 hours ago

      the raving imperialists who ran the anglo newspaper empire (the magnate behind the Daily Mail and Daily Mirror basically bought all English newspapers --- also thought he was Napoleon reincarnated and looked like the lovechild of churchill and hitler) when drumming up support for WWI called anti-war and neutrality efforts something like "a dirty German-Jewish plot of international finance to bully us into neutrality".

      Then a decade and a half later they published as genuine the Protocols of the Elders of Zion forgery.

      European racism is a fascinating thing.

        9 hours ago

        Then a decade and a half later they published as genuine the Protocols of the Elders of Zion forgery.

        Okhrana even published a test balloon earlier in Russian part of Poland, accusing Jews of plot to exterminate Slavs in the Wisła valley by... building sewers in Warsaw. It did increased antisemitism locally so then they worked on Protocols. Though the sewers were build because it was nearly 700000 city with no sewers whatsoever.

    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
      18 hours ago

      Neo-nazis are still on the "accuse anyone we don't like of being Jewish" train. They bust out the calipers and rulers to measure people's noses and get into struggle sessions over it.

      I'm not kidding: any woman in an interracial relationship or who does sex work is seen as being secretly Jewish and they get into arguments over how large her nose is and if you find her attractive you must be secretly gay because she's obviously trans and....

  • anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]
    16 hours ago

    mfw the railroads are Jewish maddened

    It makes me laugh too when the Russian nationalist imperial-nostalgics venerate these arch-antisemite inbreds, because the heads of the royal family hadn't even been ethnically Russian for ages --- they were as Russian as Elizabeth Warren is Native American. Weren't even slavs, mfs were like Danish and German and British; all inbred royals from the same few families. Just look at these wall-eyed fucks

    Edit: any time you want to troll a Russian imperial-nostalgic nationalist who says "Stalin wasn't even Russian he was Georgian!" rage-cry Call Nikolai II a mere Germanized Dane. Lenin was more Russian than the Romanovs since like the 1700s. Note: This only works for the screeching blood-and-soil type nationalists; the civic nationalists don't care as much, but then they can't whine about Stalin being Georgian either.

    • Collatz_problem [comrade/them]
      16 hours ago

      Russian (and other Eastern European) nationalists are overwhelmingly turbo-bootlickers toward Western Europeans, so they usually think that tsars being German/Danish/British is good.

      • anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]
        15 hours ago

        pathetic pathetic

        tho tbh I feel like they're mad confused about even that due to recent events and the narrative understanding built out of the continuity of French invading, Crimean war, WWI, the interventionists in the civil war, then Germans and allies invading again with the nazi genocide campaign, then the CIA proxy gladio campaigns, and now all this proxy war, as just being a constant western aggressions and invasions. It's made a lot of them (the Russian nationalists) even more incoherent and disoriented. Which I take great glee in. I think this wasteland for their orientation-of-pride is where Dugin's stupidity sprouted from.

        Russia (and in ways other post-Soviets) really demonstrate how lost and unhinged the masses become without communism and materialist understanding of international worker solidarity. They rally around any damned foolish thing, even multiple mutually-contradictory things at once as if it were a unity. It's true everywhere, but because of the Soviet Union you can actually have the A->B->A comparisons

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    18 hours ago

    In the view of the established religion, the salvation of the imperial family was hailed as divine intervention by the Sovereign. Pamphlets by clergymen linked the miraculous escape to the miracles of 17th-century icons at the end of the great plague of 1654–1655; the laity believed that prayers in front of these icons enabled the survival of the Tsar. A special icon of the God's Grace on the 17th of October, made for the occasion, widely circulated in photographic copies. Moscow, the old shrine of Orthodoxy, was perceived as the source of the miracle; a contemporary pamphlet declared that the "power that Moscow had professed and that had exalted her revoked these laws [of Nature]".

  • CTHlurker [he/him]
    19 hours ago

    A hysterically funny thing to me personally is whenever I read about right wingers prior to 1945, they would always accuse other people of being jews. It comes out of nowhere every time and it sort of cracks me up, because I genuinely cannot imagine people doing that today. Granted, today they just use other words to amean the same thing, but it's probably the bluntness that tickles me.