Many Youth and Students in DPRK Volunteer to Join or Rejoin KPA

Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- The whole DPRK is full of the will to annihilate the scum of the ROK who violated its inviolable sovereignty and security.

Millions of young people have turned out in the nationwide struggle to wipe out the ROK scum who committed a serious provocation of violating the sovereignty of the DPRK through a drone infiltration into its capital city to push the tense situation to the brink of war, which precipitates their self-destruction, and are now making impudent remarks like a guilty party filing the suit first.

If a war breaks out, the ROK will be wiped off the map. As it wants a war, we are willing to put an end to its existence.

The passionate young people are determined to turn out in a sacred war of destroying the enemy with the arms of the revolution. Their great enthusiasm for joining the army is being displayed in all the places of the country, including worksites where a campaign for increased production is underway, construction sites, farms having a bumper harvest, and educational institutions.

According to data available, more than 1.4 million youth league officials and youth and students across the country volunteered to join or rejoin the Korean People's Army on October 14 and 15.

The young people's zeal for joining the army is an eruption of the hatred and retaliatory spirit of the younger generation who are determined to punish the scum who committed a hideous crime to ignite a war at any cost, and end the horrible evil relationship.

Youth and students across the country signed the petitions for joining or rejoining the army out of the pledge to find out the heinous confrontation maniacs and criminals to the last one and cut off their windpipes.

The commanding officers and members of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade, the young people of the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex, the Taean Heavy Machine Complex, the Pyongyang Kim Jong Suk Textile Mill and many other working youth across the country volunteered to join the army with the spirit to resolutely wipe out the sworn enemy seeking to bring down their socialist system that represent their life and soul, and their dignified life and happiness.

At the universities across the country, including Kim Il Sung University, Kim Chaek University of Technology, Phyongbuk University of Technology and Sariwon Kye Ung Sang University of Agriculture, many students, including discharged officers and men, vowed to make the lunatics experience the real war and showers of fire.

The number of the angry revengers of the rising generation determined to plunge the heinous enemy into an abyss of final ruin, those who volunteered to join or rejoin the KPA, is on the increase with the passage of time. -0- (Juche113.10.16.)

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    3 hours ago

    No, this isn't an accurate assessment with regards to the ROC. Go look up what the ROC military is up to. Here's a taste of what they're up to:

    • Retired Taiwan general tells military to overthrow DPP, surrender to China:

    • Taiwan charges army officer with corruption, harming state security:

    • Taiwan detains army officer suspected of leaking military secrets to China:

    • Taiwan Soldiers Promising Surrender to China Among 10 Charged for Spying:

    Like I said, the people in Taiwan who matter (ie their bourgeoisie and their military) don't want independence to happen. Your average separatist is a a pampered boba liberal who uses a clinical diagnosis of depression to dodge mandatory military service. It's not like Ukraine at all where the ultranationalists have paramilitaries running around.

    • SadArtemis [she/her]
      2 hours ago

      I don't see how this contradicts my assessment, admittedly? I didn't rule out the possibility of the ROC or any of the aforementioned states (even Ukraine, still) breaking free- and it is still a question of whether the Taiwanese bourgeoisie and military (both of which I already knew were opposed to the separatism- another of my comments in the thread notes how the US replaced the KMT with the DPP for just that) can successfully do so, as of yet the ROC is still being steered into catastrophe.

      I'm aware Ukraine is far more compromised- the list of countries I described ranged from Ukraine (which still has plenty of resistance and dissent even in its government and ranks, though people are smart enough to keep their heads down) to Georgia which I noted seemed to be successfully avoiding "Ukrainization." I'm aware that the ROC and Japanese in particular are trying to wriggle free some independence (however they use it is another question, but they don't want to destroy themselves). I'm aware that there is a great deal of dissent and concern, and public opinion is overwhelmingly opposed to Ukrainization, in almost all if not all the countries I described as facing the threat of Ukrainization.

      As I described, it's a question of whether or not the state structure, or the people (including those people who matter as you describe) can protect themselves from this destruction. I don't see how that is an inaccurate assessment. See:

      It doesn't matter what the Taiwan Chinese or anyone else the US wants to Ukrainize wants- what matters is if they can and will act to defend their interests from Ukrainization

      Can the ROC military and bourgeoisie wrest control of the state, from the boba liberals who have the backing of the US military? As-is they are in a very uncomfortable and precarious balancing act- but if the US gave push to shove, I'd expect that Taiwan would erupt into civil war (same with South Korea despite its military being supposed to be subordinated to the US in times of war, as for Japan and the Philippines they're less immediately under the crosshairs and would intensify their attempts to wriggle free). Alternatively, it's not out of the question that, just as the sensible ROC elements might overthrow the DPP, the US and its DPP puppets could- as with most of the articles you described- intensify the purges of all those trying to save their people from Ukrainization, steal TSMC out from under the ROC's nose (well, with DPP support), and send the island on a one-way suicide trip to the mainland... not to say it's likely to succeed (none of it is, even the TSMC debacle) but it is certainly what they would like to do and IMO, what they are slowly trying to do.

      • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
        1 hour ago

        I mean, the DPP doesn't even control the Legislative Yuan, which is controlled by a coalition of the KMT and TPP. All they have is a president who only won a plurality of votes. Now, they are currently waging lawfare against Ko Wen-je, who's going to go to jail on corruption charges. But him being in jail doesn't necessarily mean the end of the TPP, and it certainly won't reflect well on his target demographic which so happens to be people of conscriptable age.

        The high point of Taiwanese separatism was in 2019 while the Hong Kong protests were going on. Tsai Ing-wen was able to curbstomp her opp by appealing to people's fears of Taiwan "becoming like Hong Kong." But now? Taiwanese separatism has taken massive L's since then and it won't be a real possibility for a good while. Things can always change, but if the US is in a rush to get China involved in a proxy war, it doesn't make sense to focus on Taiwan when there's also Korea and the Philippines.