I know we have our Marxist definition and all that, but it seems to be a really pervasive , everywhere I go. Some people I've talked to think for instance, all scientists are silver spooned and never worked a day in their life because they don't do construction, or whatever.
How do you argue with people like this? Can you?
Yeah in the cushier of my scientist jobs I regularly broke 15,000 steps a day, worked with cancer causing chemicals on the regular, and had to move heavy shit around all the time. Also animals that bite. In the less cushy one I was in a corn field in the Florida summer for several hours a day.
But I bet you were easily clearing 40k+ a year like some kind of robber baron.
Then the corn one was when I was a student so only part time for a whole $12 an hour. In the summer though that part time was basically full time.
I love bursting people's bubble about how much scientists make, especially when they act like we're some kind of ivory tower elites.
Even the scientists who are established spend all their time begging for grant money (unpaid time) to be able to pay themselves and other people at a rate that averages out to be often below minimum wage
And that’s not even counting the reliance on unpaid undergrad labor