My Dad had me watch it with him when I (also transfem) turned 13 (came out at 23). Kinda like a rite of passage into manhood. I think there is this sense among men that a fundamental part of masculinity is burden and self-sacrifice. Seeing a man do what a man's gotta do even as his life tears apart because of it cuts deep for many of them. Plus, it's also a power fantasy thing. Kinda like breaking bad. Also, I swear testosterone makes you like "dark" "grity" shit more somehow. Pre transition sicario was one of my favorite movies and now I have less than zero interest in watching it.
My Dad had me watch it with him when I (also transfem) turned 13 (came out at 23). Kinda like a rite of passage into manhood. I think there is this sense among men that a fundamental part of masculinity is burden and self-sacrifice. Seeing a man do what a man's gotta do even as his life tears apart because of it cuts deep for many of them. Plus, it's also a power fantasy thing. Kinda like breaking bad. Also, I swear testosterone makes you like "dark" "grity" shit more somehow. Pre transition sicario was one of my favorite movies and now I have less than zero interest in watching it.