After 2 months of studying, 20/26 students in the class anonymously chose communism over capitalism on the last week before Christmas break. Teacher thought she was subtly upset (apparently wasn’t subtle) and had the class redo the poll after their final exam on the subject to see if they “learned anything since then”

22/26 students chose communism in the second poll.

I know it isn’t much but dammit it made me feel good

For context this is in NYC

  • iridaniotter [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Haha, in my government class we were being taught different systems of government. There was like, confederation/federation/unitary, capitalism/socialism/communism, democratic/oligarchic/dictatorial or something like that. Obviously government systems aren't decided in a vacuum, and for a high school class the whole curriculum was a joke, but the class voted for democratic communism and the teacher got mad and said we voted for North Korea lol.

    When I was doing online school for a year and a half, we were taught about the Cuban missile crisis. We actually learned about the American aggression in Turkey that led up to it as well as the roles of JFK and Khrushchev. They had us vote on who did more to prevent war and the majority said Khrushchev did.

    • GamerCastro [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I was so pissed when I found out about the Turkey thing independently after having learned about the Cuban Missile Crisis without any mention of it throughout High School